mardi 30 novembre 2010
Space Invaders in Paris 110
Another Space Invader around the Jardin des Tuileries.
And, um... if the second picture might look like an arty attempt, it's only a very dark picture strongly photoshoped. ;D
(November 2000- . 10pts)
lundi 29 novembre 2010
dimanche 28 novembre 2010
Space Invaders in Paris 108
This is one of the two Space Invaders that landed in this street in 2010. Now, that makes five of them around the Jardin des Tuileries.
(2010- )
Labels :
01er Arr.,
samedi 27 novembre 2010
vendredi 26 novembre 2010
jeudi 25 novembre 2010
mercredi 24 novembre 2010
mardi 23 novembre 2010
lundi 22 novembre 2010
dimanche 21 novembre 2010
samedi 20 novembre 2010
vendredi 19 novembre 2010
jeudi 18 novembre 2010
Space Invaders in Paris 098
This beautiful Space Invader was under the railroad and between the express way. At night, his mirror eyes were flashing at the cars passing by.
(2006-May 2008)
mercredi 17 novembre 2010
Space Invaders in Paris 097
This one stayed many years on the Champs-Elysées (yes, the most beautiful avenue in the world), survived an attack by a (quite ugly) Pacman but finally disappeared this year.
(January 2000-summer 2010. 20 pts)
mardi 16 novembre 2010
lundi 15 novembre 2010
dimanche 14 novembre 2010
samedi 13 novembre 2010
vendredi 12 novembre 2010
Space Invaders in Paris 092
This huge Space Invader was looking at the Batofar, at the time one of the best clubs in Paris.
jeudi 11 novembre 2010
mercredi 10 novembre 2010
mardi 9 novembre 2010
lundi 8 novembre 2010
Space Invaders in Paris 088
This Space Invader is one of the very first looking like a Parisian street name plate. Congratulations to the one who installed the spaceship under the Invader. Just brilliant!
(August 2000- . 10 pts)
Labels :
10e Arr.,
dimanche 7 novembre 2010
samedi 6 novembre 2010
vendredi 5 novembre 2010
Space Invaders in Paris 085
This big Space Invader was rue d'Ormesson in Le Marais. As it was predicted, it was deleted (or erased?). Just right the corner is the Place du Marché Sainte-Catherine, a really nice place to have dinner on summer days.
jeudi 4 novembre 2010
mercredi 3 novembre 2010
mardi 2 novembre 2010
lundi 1 novembre 2010
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