
jeudi 5 mai 2011

Space Invaders in Paris 259

Space Invaders in Paris (PA???)

It's been years since this Space Invader is partly destroyed, but it's still there!

mercredi 4 mai 2011

Space Invaders in Paris 258

Space Invaders in Paris (PA???)

Space Invaders in Paris (PA???)

(2011- )

mardi 3 mai 2011

Space Invaders in Paris 257

Space Invaders in Paris (PA???)

lundi 2 mai 2011

Space Invaders in Paris 256

Space Invaders in Paris (PA9??)

This black&yellow Space Invader survived only few days after landing on earth.
(May 2011- May 2011)

dimanche 1 mai 2011

Space Invaders in Paris 255

Space Invaders in Paris (PA9??)

This big blue Space Invader landed close to this one, probably May 21st or 22nd.
...and now you know that I sometimes backdate my posts. ;)
(May 2011- )